“I am proud of how CBST's long-time member Shayna Caul has emerged as an important artist and soferet (scribe). I have always felt awe and admiration for creative artists and על אחת כמה וכמה -- all the more so -- those who express themselves in diverse media. Shayna Caul not only excels in stained glass and sculpture and as an author, but to every endeavor she brings four decades of experience as a special education teacher and her formal training as a Jewish spiritual director. Those astonishing skills as a Cirque du Soleil-approved juggler must come in very handy as she deftly shifts from talent to talent. Additionally, as one of few Soferot (female Scribes), she engages in a sacred, ancient art form in which the skills of her hands and the power of her spirit meld in a very special way. It is exciting and healing to be in Shayna's presence and to watch her draw sagely on the riches of her talent and training to meet each spiritual or artistic challenge.”

— Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, Senior Rabbi at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah.

“Shayna Caul’s wide interests and experience, from working in Special Education to tennis teaching pro to professional juggler, all served as prelude to her heart’s true calling. Today, Shayna produces beautiful scribal arts, grounded in her spiritual practice and work as a Mashpi’ah/ Jewish Spiritual Director. Whether receiving spiritual guidance from her, or placing her mezuzah on the door, one is truly blessed by her Presence and spiritual gifts.”

— Rabbi Nadya Gross, Director ALEPH-Hashpa’ah Training Program

“In three years working with Shayna I have moved from being something of a confused and tormented atheist to being able to regularly connect to the divine, hearing the quiet, often playful wisdom that I most need. While breathing together and with Shayna’s silent prayers, the energy between us becomes heavenly, and I have been in the most beautiful places. With Shayna’s direction, I have felt love and clarity from Hashem, from my family members who have passed, and from other Jewish ancestry. I am no longer an atheist, nor tormented; and for me these go hand in hand, and speak to the amazing powers of love, peace, clarity, and spiritual transcendence that Shayna has helped me experience and take in. I now know my soul is pure. I forget, of course. Though now, I know how to remember again, and how to come back to those beautiful places where I know I am unconditionally loved. Working with Shayna is about experiencing miracle after miracle after miracle.”

— Jessie Klein Ph.D., MSW, M.Ed., Adelphi University Associate Professor, sociology/criminal justice; Founder, Creating Compassionate Communities: K-12 empathy-building school bullying prevention program; Author: The Bully Society: School shootings and the crisis of bullying in America's schools (NYU Press 2012); and Bullying: A Reference Handbook (ABC-CLIO 2019)

“Shayna writes with a clear and elegant hand; indicative both of her love for words of Torah, as well as her deep commitment to sharing its teachings. She transmits beauty and respect in all the ways she functions as a teacher of Jewish text.”

— Rabbi Yael Rapport, CBST

“Shayna is a genuine seeker of spirit, calmly courageous, poignantly real, open to channeling higher truths wherever they may lead.  Not hers but God’s be done – and as Shayna is, so she naturally empowers others to become.”

— Anonymous (New York)

“Shayna is one of the most artistic and creative people I know. She has been a professional juggler, taught for Cirque du Soleil's Cirque du Monde program, run an active and successful stained-glass studio, and played the ukulele, among many other talents. She brings all of this artistic and creative power to her soferet work. The mezuzah she created for me was beautifully written. I am so pleased to have such a gorgeous piece of soferet work on the doorpost of my house.”

— Jillian T. Weiss, Attorney, Law Offices Of Jillian T Weiss

“I was a participant in an “Ageing to Sageing” group that Shayna facilitated.  Despite being 50 years old and younger than the other members, I found the experience incredibly helpful.  Shayna has a beautiful energy which made it easy to build a trusting relationship. She is incredibly nonjudgmental and supportive. Shayna has helped me to seek balance between the spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of daily life.”

— Michelle C

“Shayna's depth, compassion, and sacred holding bring me to a place of feeling safe and  being seen in my highest self.”

— Ariel Tziva, Spiritual Director

"I think of Shayna Caul's talents like abundant rays of sunshine. One ray . . . a Scribe/Soferet. Another ray . . .  a spiritual counselor. And many more rays . . . a stained glass artist . . . a tennis pro . . . a writer and editor . . . a devoted teacher of special needs students  . . . a lifelong learner . . . a passionate participant in life. Shayna Caul is my dear friend since we were both fifteen . . . a gift, a treasure ."

— Ruth Pelham, Singer-songwriter-educator-activist  

“Shayna’s curiosity, zest for life, and creative spirit infuse all that she does. I’m inspired by the mindfulness she brings to her beautiful scribal work, work that is infused with deep holiness.”

— Rabbi Amy Grossblatt Pessah

“I can share anything with Shayna and know she will meet me in the truth of the moment with sacred intention. Her deep listening from the heart opens up new vistas of wholeness in unexpected and precious ways.” 

— Elizabeth Cohen, Mashpi’ah Ruchanit.

Upon our Graduation from ALEPH's 3 year Hashpa'ah Program, our Rabbis: R'Nadya Gross, R'Shawn Zevit, R'Sandra Wortzel asked us to write a letter to a new incoming student. I'm sharing my letter with you because it demonstrates the path of a Guided Spiritual Direction Journey, to give you an inside look as you consider your own Spiritual journey and awakenings.

To a New Hashpa’ah Student:

Dear One, 

Mazel Tov! You are beginning a journey that is paved with riches:  the joy of community, teachings and learnings that will Bless you with Spiritual lessons, deep connections with members of your cohort, guided by Rabbis who really care for you and about you and see you. 

My Hashpa’ah experience was healing and beautiful. It taught me and continues to teach me through The Holy One of Blessing, how to connect and be in and receive the Holy Flow. To be Present. This may all sound familiar or foreign to you. It will unfold over time. 

I bless you on your journey that you will receive and grow so that your deployment becomes clear and your abilities to be of service become clear and clearer. 

I remember sitting in a chair, just as you probably are right now at my 1st Hashpa’ah Intensive. I was shy and nervous, not knowing what to expect, and wondering who were these people sitting in the other chairs around the circle?

Over time, I learned to trust this group more deeply than I have ever trusted.  ALEPH’S rarified air, created a sacred container where transformative miracles happen….for each and every soul sitting with you today.

Enjoy your journey, you have wonderful miracles waiting to unfold for you and for those you are taking this journey with.

With Loving Blessings,

Shayna Caul