Spiritual Direction/Companionship


 Spiritual Direction/companionship can mean different things to different people. Some understand it to be the art of listening carried out in the context of a trusting, sacred relationship. It is when one person is trained to be a competent guide who then “companions” another person: listening to that person’s life story with an ear for the movement of the Holy/Divine.

While Shayna is a Jewish Spiritual Director, she can and does accompany individuals of all faiths, beliefs, and also those with no religious affiliation.

Spiritual Direction is a contemplative and experiential practice of accompanying/journeying with a person or a group as they awaken to the spiritual in everyday life. It is the shared interventions and supports for the Directee to have a deeper relationship with the Spirit though all phases of life.

Other ways of describing Spiritual Direction include: Holy Listening, Spiritual Friendship, and Sacred Journeying.

I offer individual and/or group Spiritual Direction sessions.


I am a Spiritual Director (Mashpi’ah Ruchanit)  who graduated from ALEPH’s/JEWISH RENEWAL: Three year Spiritual Direction Program/(Hashpa’ah Program).  I’ve been a Spiritual Director/Companion for five years.

IN ALEPH’S Hashpa’ah Program Spiritual Direction is Ecumenical and described as, “Being in the Divine Flow or consciousness of G!d’s Presence”.  As a practicing ALEPH Spiritual Director, I am delighted and required to continue with my own Spiritual Direction work with my own Mashpi’ah. Additionally, I am a member of Spiritual Director’s International (SDI).

As someone with 72 years of life experience, and doing my own extensive AGEING TO SAGEING work, I offer AGEING TO SAGEING group and individual sessions. We take hold of the willingness to deal with life completion, coming to terms with our mortality, doing life repair, acquiring the skills for internal learning…. The focus might include Defining and Expressing your Soul’s Spiritual Legacy, Forgiveness, Acknowledging  your Gifts to Yourself, writing a Spiritual will and/or an Ethical Will….

Spiritual Direction sessions can be in person or on Zoom.  Session can be individual and/or in small groups.  Typically we meet once a month, however in these challenging and unprecedented times, sessions can be arranged more often. 



There is a sliding scale for individual sessions and group sessions. Contact Shayna using the form below to learn more.


Contact Shayna