Shayna Caul

Here are some reasons why Shayna is known as a Renaissance woman.  Amongst other things she is: A Scribe, Spiritual Director, Artist, Sculptor, Musician, Athlete, Writer, Editor, Avid Reader, Educator, Professional Juggler, Tennis Teaching Professional, 52 year twice daily Meditation practitioner and Life-Long learner.

Shayna graduated Cum Laude from Brooklyn College and also completed her Master’s degree at Brooklyn and went on to pursue another 30 credits beyond her Masters.

She was a New York City Public School Teacher working with Special Education students for 37 years. Influenced by Mrs. Stone, her 2nd grade teacher, who taught reading by bringing Shayna’s class into the auditorium, giving out song sheets, sitting on a stool in front of the class, and strumming her guitar, while we read the words and sang the songs. 

Made by Shayna and her JHS students

Made by Shayna and her JHS students

Shayna brought the art of Stained Glass into her Junior High School “Language through the Arts Program. Shayna was awarded a special grant that invited her Special Education students (who did beautiful Stained Glass work after studying from a Stained Glass Primer (Thank you Mrs. Stone!) to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the memorable experience of teaching teachers how to teach Stained Glass to ‘their’ students.  Shayna’s students were then given a tour of the Tiffany Stained Glass Collection by Museum staff.  The NYC School’s chancellor came to visit the Stained Glass Program to see in action what was written about in the UFT paper.  

Shayna made this sculpture with her eyes closed, drawing from her inner spirit and what came through.

Shayna made this sculpture with her eyes closed, drawing from her inner spirit and what came through.

Years later, while taking a drawing class, Shayna’s art teacher advised that drawing was nothing more than eye-hand coordination. “To improve your drawing, improve your eye-hand coordination, he said. Best way to do that, learn to juggle”.  He handed out a Research article about Special Ed students improving their reading scores by FOUR YEARS in ONE YEAR, after learning to juggle.   Shayna brought this information back to Park East High School, in Harlem, where she was teaching Language Arts.  The school wrote a $50,000 grant that brought the Big Apple Circus in to teach ALL the students to juggle with an underlying (though not obvious) focus on the Special Ed classes.  Shayna’s students went on to teach juggling to younger classes, proudly perform a Juggling show for their families and friends.  Not only the student’s grades improve, but their attendance, self-confidence and general outlook did too. 

Prior to joining the NYC Board of Ed, Shayna taught in a Private Country Day School (who shall remain unnamed) where the Girl’s athletic department was virtually non-existent compared to the boys.  At volleyball tryouts, Shayna barely had enough girls show up for a team. In their 1st year, with their scruffy, barely matching uniforms, they managed to outplay all their competitors and win a Regional Championship. This elevated the entire Girl’s athletic program with a Banquet for the Volleyball Team, new matching uniforms  (what a concept) and more monies being poured into the program. At Volleyball tryouts the second year, the gymnasium was packed with students eager to make the team.  Consequently, Shayna was able to field Two Teams: a Varsity and Junior Varsity, and still had to turn students away.

Shayna was an Editor for an SESP (Special Educator Support Program) magazine written for and by Teachers, entitled, “Special EDition.” Her 1st issue won a National Award for Excellence. In SESP, she also conducted workshops for Teachers and managed a Resource Center in a school in the South Bronx.  

After school, she worked as a Trainer for CIRQUE du SOLIEL’S, Cirque Du Monde Program that served students in the most impoverished areas in the world.  Shayna performed on the world’s most exclusive Juggling stages, not necessarily out of desire (more like terrified) but she followed where life led her: She joined NYC’s Carmine Street Juggling Club, performed her “ALL THAT JAZZ” juggling routine for the Governor of Connecticut, was invited to and performed her signature JAZZ routine on the prestigious IJA, International Juggling Festival’s Stage, on Television and in New York theatres.  She also gave many benefit performances and continues to teach juggling to anyone who wants to learn.  She appears in a Book about performing artists, and on a CD of Women Jugglers.  She also initiated a Juggling Program in Bronx Theatre High School.  

Shayna The Entertaina

Shayna was trained as a “Health and Healing Associate” a HAHA, at Stamford Hospital, where as Dr. Juggles, she visited patients and hospital staff alike bringing the relief of laughter and lightness. She was given the honor of being named: “The Class Clown of the Clown Class” at graduation. 

Shayna was a Tennis Teaching Professional and Tournament Tennis player.

In her “Retirement”, Shayna was active in a few different Synagogues, and was introduced to Spiritual Direction. She had a Mashpiah (an Individual Spiritual Director) for many years, and also was part of Group Spiritual Direction for many more years. Through these experiences and with the guidance of her Spiritual Director, a deep inner calling emerged which led Shayna to ALEPH’S Rabbinic Pastor and Three Year Haspa’ah/Spiritual Direction Programs. 

As part of her synagogue life, Shayna started a Chesed (loving-kindness) committee at Temple Beth El of City Island and she had the privilege of serving on the search committee that brought Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum to Congregation Beit Simchat Torah (CBST).

Shayna was accepted to and graduated from ALEPH/Jewish Renewal’s rigorous three year Hashpa’ah/Spiritual Direction Program birthed by Reb Zalman-Schacter-Schalomi  z’’l.

During her ALEPH studies, it became evident to Shayna, that there was another underlying life-long calling, and that was to become a Hebrew SCRIBE. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears” defined Shayna’s Scribing and Spiritual Journey.  Shayna was introduced to Julie Seltzer her first Soferet Teacher, by “coincidentally” running into Julie during High Holidays at CBST Hight Holiday Services at the Javits center in NY (where only 4,000 people were in attendance) many years ago.  Rabbi Rapport, who Shayna ‘just happened’ to be talking to the moment when Julie Seltzer appeared from the crowd during a break.  Rabbi Rapport introduced them to each other. The rest is Herstory.  Shayna was blessed by studying with Julie for many years. Scribing is a path of life-long learning.  Currently Shayna is studying with Soferet Rachel Jackson and Sofer Shel Bassel and is Scribing Mezuzot and Megillot.  She is a member of STaM Scribes, an amazingly learned and talents group of Soferets from around the world who teach, learn and support each other.


Shayna has been accompanying people on their Spiritual Journeys in both individual and Group Spiritual Direction for the past five years.

With 72 years of life experience, Shayna continues to explore new creative avenues. Along with her Scribing, Spiritual Direction work, and “Ageing into Sageing workshops and groups, she is currently a part of an African American Spiritual Ukulele Ensemble, regularly plays Pickleball, Tennis, bike rides and walks her beloved Furry Spiritual Companion, Tango, many times each day and enjoys the company of friends, family, Spiritual Communities, her many interests and being alive! 

Shayna is grateful, that despite a very difficult beginning in life, which she almost didn’t’ survive, she is blessed in so many ways: She has had incredible teachers, uplifting Spiritual Communities, Soul-Nourishing Daily Practices, a beautiful community of friends and family, and undeniable support from the Holy One Of Blessing.

Tango, her 11-year-old shih tzu is her beloved furry soul mate who companions Shayna almost everywhere she goes. Tango has been with Shayna since he was a puppy, and he fills her heart with love and joy and is one of her great teachers.